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2022 Hill Day

Please join us for the fourth United Against Ataxia Hill Day on September 21, 2022. Ataxia advocates will speak to their Congressional Members. All meetings will be virtual and run approximately 15-30 minutes in duration. You will be assigned 2-5 meetings between 9am and 5pm.

Your Congressional Members need to hear from you to fully understand what Ataxia is and what legislative action is needed! Join us in raising awareness about Ataxia, research funding needed, and ways to expedite treatments. The power to create change starts with you! Sign up to be a part of Hill Day below.

Feel free to post on social media to support these efforts using #AtaxiaHillDay.


Register to be an Ataxia Advocate on Hill Day

We need all the help we can get! Sign up today to make a difference.

Registration requires two steps:

  1. Sign up to participate in Hill Day – Register Now
  2. Register for the required one-hour training. Training will be on August 10th at 7pm ET. – Register Now

Important! Your Congressional meetings will not be scheduled until you complete the training.

If you cannot attend the training on August 10, or if you have other questions, contact Lori Shogren at or Brigid Brennan at

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