Check out the great sessions from the 2024 Annual Ataxia Conference below!
Opening Remarks with NAF’s CEO Andrew Rosen
NAF’s CEO Andrew Rosen reflects on the last 5 years in the Ataxia space. He touches on advancements in research and awareness as Bill Nye the Science Guy gets ready to come to the stage.
Featured Guest: Bill Nye the Science Guy
Bill Nye the Science Guy joins AAC for the second year in a row as he talks about his family’s history with Ataxia, the importance of research, and an exciting awareness project he released in 2024!
Newly Diagnosed and Preparing for a Neuro Visit
Receiving a diagnosis of Ataxia can be overwhelming. There is a lot to learn, but you are not alone. This session will help you learn how to take charge of your care plan. Presented by Vikram Shakkottai, MD, PhD.
Medications and Diet for Ataxia
There are several medications and dietary changes that can be used to address symptoms caused by Ataxia. Dr. Rosenthal will review things that her patients have found helpful. Use these ideas to discuss options with your physician. Presented by Liana Rosenthal, MD, PhD.
Core Strengthening for Ataxia Workshop 1
60-minute core/trunk strengthening workshop utilizing tai-chi, proximal stabilization, and postural correction techniques. Presented by Elizabeth Foss OTR/L.
Core Strengthening for Ataxia Workshop 2
60-minute core/trunk strengthening workshop utilizing tai-chi, proximal stabilization, and postural correction techniques. Presented by Elizabeth Foss OTR/L.
Insights from a Social Worker
What is the role of the social worker, when would you go to a social worker for help/what can you expect out of this interaction, and what supportive resources are available in your area? Join this session to find out! Presented by Lauren Zelouf, MSW, LCSW.
A Palliative Care Approach to Ataxia
Palliative care is a medical specialty that focuses on matching the values and goals of the patient to the treatment plan. It seeks to address all forms of suffering (physical, psychological, spiritual, practical) with the use of an interdisciplinary team and tries to facilitate having more good days than bad. This approach can be especially helpful for patients and families living with Ataxia. Presented by Jocelyn Jiao, MD.
Neuropsychology of Ataxia
In this talk, Dr. Ritter will review the anatomy of the cerebellum and why changes in the cerebellum lead to cognitive and behavioral symptoms. Presented by Aaron Ritter, PhD.
Home Modifications & ADL Independence for Ataxia
This session explores strategies to increase ADL independence through various home modifications and use of adapted equipment. Presented by Elizabeth Foss, OTR/L.
Living with Ataxia Panel
This panel discussion, including people diagnosed with Ataxia, will discuss strategies for living better with Ataxia. Featuring: Liam Dougherty, Kory Tabor, & Shelbi Davenport Moderated by Sarah Pilato.
Rehabilitation Strategies & Mobility Devices for Ataxia
This session will review suggested exercises to promote optimal function and what you can do to make your everyday life more accessible. Keller will discuss safe mobility strategies as well as present a variety of devices and strategies that can improve mobility. Presented by Jennifer Keller, PT, MS.
Genetic Testing and Family Planning
In this session, a genetic counselor will discuss the role genetics plays in most Ataxias and the importance of working with a care team when someone at risk chooses to be tested. One option for family planning will be discussed by an Ataxian who, along with her husband, chose to go through preimplantation genetic diagnosis along with in vitro fertilization. Presented by Meron Azage, CGC Featuring Jessica Oberlin.
A Bird’s Eye View – Ataxia Research Update
Learn about the latest happenings and the current state of Ataxia research in 2024. Presented by Lauren Moore, PhD.
Information, Connection, and Community: Services Offered by NAF
NAF offers a variety of programs to the Ataxia community. We’ll bring you up to speed on all the different things that we can do for you. Presented by NAF’s Patient Engagement Manager Celeste Suart, PhD.
NAF invites world-leading Ataxia researchers and physicians to present at AAC. Check out our lineup of industry experts!
Special Guest
Community Member
Community Member
Community Member
Community Member
NAF Chief Scientific Officer
Community Member
NAF Community Services Coordinator
NAF Chief Executive Officer
NAF Patient Engagement Manager
NAF VP of Development
Want to help bring this important resource to the Ataxia community? Sponsor our event! Contact Joel Sutherland at for more information.
AAC attendees enjoy visiting the Ataxia Marketplace to learn about products, services, Ataxia clinics, and research opportunities. For our hybrid event, we have in-person and virtual-only exhibit packages available.
Contact Sarah Pilato at for more information.
If you have other questions about AAC, please contact Sarah Pilato at for more information or call us at 763-553-0020.
Our generous donors help us fund promising Ataxia research and offer support services to people with Ataxia. Your gift today will help us continue to deliver on our mission to improve the lives of persons affected by Ataxia.
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