The 2025 Annual Ataxia Conference is in Las Vegas! Will you join us in March? LEARN MORE!
Support group meetings are a great way to socialize and learn with others who are affected by Ataxia. We welcome you to join us! The discussion is led by our volunteer Support Group Leaders, who are looking forward to helping you connect with others.
Meeting Information
Marvels of Occupational Therapy – Q&A with one of our favorite OTs on various topics of Occupational Therapy and Ataxia. Learn what is offered in outpatient OT, services to consider if unable to attend outpatient, and most common home modifications. Assistance with vision, safety, home modifications, safety, strength and coordination to engage in functional activities and dual tasking. Presenter is Michaella Mendick, Occupational Therapist.
During each Ataxia Connection support group meeting, an outside expert educates the group on a topic of interest to our members. Ataxians and care partners then divide into two groups to discuss the issues and emotions at the forefront of their day with the assistance of certified mental health therapists. Snacks and refreshments are offered. Ataxia Connection’s support group meets on the third Saturday of every other month from 10am – 12noon (new time).
Meetings are held at University of Nebraska’s Community Engagement Center, 6400S University Rd North, Omaha NE, 68182.
Meeting location:
Meeting ID: 813 1996 5524, Passcode: 027035.
If you have questions, please contact us at, call or text 402-979-6331(voice or text).
Contact Information
For information, visit our website:
For more information contact: Theresa Nelson, 402-979-6331,
or Sharon Hardel,