Ask the Ataxia Expert

Zoom Webinar

CENTRAL TIME Dr. Susan Perlman of UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles joins NAF to offer a Q&A session for the Ataxia community. This is an informal discussion-style webinar without a set topic. You will have the opportunity to ask any questions you have related to Ataxia. Register Now: Please do not submit questions


All About Episodic Ataxia

Zoom Webinar

CENTRAL TIME Do you or a loved one have Episodic Ataxia? Join our webinar to learn about the mechanisms of the disease, the diagnostic journey, and what to expect for clinical care with this diagnosis. Register for Webinar: Click here.


Safety in Clinical Trials

Zoom Webinar

CENTRAL TIME Participating in clinical research has potential benefits, as well as risks. There are layers of rules in place to keep clinical trial participants safe. But just how exactly


NAF Science Showcase: Dr. Collin Anderson

Zoom Webinar

CENTRAL TIME ZONE Explore a past NAF research grant awardee's funded study, gaining scientific insights about their Ataxia research. Dr. Collin Anderson will present the research, "Gene therapy in the shaker rat model of Christianson syndrome." Register for Webinar: Click here. Research Lay Summary: Our work revolves around the generation of a novel gene therapy to


Research and Treatment Development for Episodic Ataxia

Zoom Webinar

CENTRAL TIME ZONE Do you or a loved one have Episodic Ataxia? Our expert will teach us how EA is studied and give an overview of the current state of research and drug development for the disease. Register: Click here.


All About CANVAS Webinar

Zoom Webinar

CENTRAL TIME Do you or a loved one have Cerebellar Ataxia with Neuropathy and Vestibular Areflexia Syndrome (CANVAS)? Join our webinar to learn about the mechanisms of the disease, the


Chair Yoga for Ataxia

Zoom Webinar

CENTRAL TIME For people affected by Ataxia it can be hard to stay mobile when challenged with balance and other neurological issues. This is why Sacred Mountain Yoga is offering this special Chair Yoga and Mobility online series for the global Ataxia community. This session is accessible for people in chairs and wheelchairs - no


Research and Drug Development for CANVAS

Zoom Webinar

CENTRAL TIME ZONE Do you or a loved one have Cerebellar Ataxia, Neuropathy and Vestibular Areflexia Syndrome (CANVAS)? Our expert will teach us how CANVAS is studied and give an overview of the current state of research and drug development for the disease. Register for Webinar: Click here.


Science Showcase: Dr. Hellyer

Zoom Webinar

CENTRAL TIME Dr. Shane Hellyer will present the research, "Characterization of naturally occurring mGlu1 mutations in SCA44 and SCAR13." Science Showcase sessions explore a past NAF research grant awardee's funded study to gain scientific insights about their Ataxia research. Register for Webinar: Click here. Lay Summary: Spinocerebellar ataxias (SCAs) are a group of debilitating movement


All About SCA5

Zoom Webinar

CENTRAL TIME Do you or a loved one have SCA5? Join our webinar to learn about the mechanisms of the disease, the diagnostic journey, and what to expect for clinical care with this diagnosis. Register: Click here.