Deciding to have children is one of the biggest decisions that someone will ever make. This is an incredibly personal choice. Choosing to start, or expand, a family is filled with hope, longing, and emotion. There are many things to consider, particularly for people living with ataxia and those who are carriers for Ataxia conditions.
Families affected by Ataxia may have questions about whether others in the family will develop the disease. There are types of Ataxias that are hereditary (genetic) and types of Ataxias that are not hereditary. Hereditary diseases have different inheritance patterns, or ways they are passed within a family. Knowing the inheritance pattern for the particular disease allows a prediction of the chances the next child will have the condition.
Genetic testing can be a valuable tool for parents-to-be. There isn’t one single genetic test that can give all the information about a future baby’s health. Therefore, it’s important to talk with someone who is knowledgeable about genetic testing, like a genetic counselor, about what type of genetic testing is appropriate. To learn more about Ataxia genetic testing and counseling, please visit our Ataxia Genetics information page.
NAF believes that access to comprehensive reproductive healthcare and genetic testing information promotes informed decision-making. We are committed to providing patients with medical resources on these topics, as well as amplifying the voices of ataxia community members to share their stories surrounding reproductive healthcare. We are also committed to supporting genetic counselors in providing comprehensive, unbiased genetic counseling about reproductive options. We acknowledge that the issues surrounding genetic testing and reproductive healthcare are complex. As an Ataxia patient organization, we are committed to transparency in our discussions and respect for all who are considering these options for themselves and their families.
Our generous donors help us fund promising Ataxia research and offer support services to people with Ataxia. Your gift today will help us continue to deliver on our mission to improve the lives of persons affected by Ataxia.
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