Patients and caregivers living with Ataxia may need help outside the scope of services that NAF provides. These concerns – such as social and economic issues — can be just as important as accessing care. They are an important part of living better with the disease. To try and fill this gap, NAF has partnered with Unite Us to help connect patients and caregivers with social services that can help them.
Unite Us has a network of social service programs all around the United States that can help people find local resources that may help with things like health insurance/benefits assistance, clothing and household goods, food or transportation assistance, education or employment services, housing/utilities services, respite care, legal/financial counseling, mental health and other services. Fill out the form below and indicate which services you need so they can best identify how to direct you to help!
Please note: Request forms are not accessible by NAF staff. You are submitting your information to Unite Us, a third-party service provider. Please read their consent information carefully and only sign if you agree to their terms.
The following is a list of valuable Ataxia related resources and information from other organizations. Clicking an item in the Index (below) takes you to links related to that heading:
Accessible Travel & Recreation
Disability Issues – Social Security Benefits
Travel Assistance for Medical/Research Purposes
Adapting a Home for Disability Accessibility
The Equal Rights Center Discrimination Complaint Form
Independent Living and Community Participation from the National Rehabilitation Information Center
Tetra Society of North America
AMBUCS-Creating Mobility and Independence for People with Disabilities
Aviation Consumer Protection – Passengers with Disabilities
Splore: Accessible Outdoor Adventures
TSA Cares: helpline number designed to assist travelers with disabilities and medical conditions
Driving With a Neurological Disability
CameraMouse: Allows a computer user to move the cursor with their eye movements
Create avatars using text-to-speech
The Pass It On Center – Helping People with Disabilities get affordable assistive technology
National Telecommuting Institute
Air Travel with an Assistive Device
Centers for Disease Control – Disability
Employment Guidelines For Persons With Disabilities
The Equal Rights Center: advancing the rights of people with disabilities
Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act
Information and technical assistance on the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Interagency Committee on Disability Research
Your Path to Government Benefits
Advocates for Individuals with Disabilities
Benefits For Children With Disabilities
Benefits For People With Disabilities
Social Security Compassionate Allowance Information
College Scholarships and Financial Aid for Students with Disabilities
Emerging Leaders summer Internship Program for College Students with Disabilities
Graduate School Success for Students with Disabilities.
Incight’s Mission: To educate and employ people with disabilities
Unites States Department of Labor
The Viscardi Center – Empowering children and adults with disabilities
What are Public Schools Reqired to Do When Students with Disabilities are Bullied? (links to PDF)
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Social Security Administration (links to PDF)
Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion
U.S Office of Personnel Management
National Telecommuting Institute
7 Tips for Job Searching – AARP
National Telecommuting Institute
ResumeBuilder – Resume and Employment Guide for People with Disabilities
Financial Independence for Individuals with IDD
Global Genes: Cell and Gene Medicine
Foundation for Health Coverage Education
National Disability Navigator Resource Collaborative
NCBI Pub Med: Online search of medical literature (Pub. Med)
Palliative care: Specialized medical care for people with serious illnesses
How to Receive Incontinence Supplies through Medicaid
Center for Disease Control – Coping with Stress
Global Genes – Mental Health & Well-Being
Mental Health America – Get Help
NIH – Help for Mental Illnesses
For immediate help: Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or text SIGNS to 741741 for the Crisis Text Line.
Adaptive Skiing Resource Guide
Canine Partners of the Rockies
Sibling Leadership Network: providing support for siblings of individuals with disabilities
University of Michigan Health System – Siblings of Kids with Special Needs
El Centro para la Investigación y Rehabilitación de las Ataxias Hereditarias (CIRAH)
La Asociación de la Distrofia Muscular
Office of Rare Diseases Research
Para Entender Sus Genes: Una Guía al Asesoramiento Genético
Seguro Social El sitio de Internet oficial de la Administración del Seguro Social de los EE. UU.
Mercy Medical Angels: America’s Charitable Medical Transportation System
Email for Information – This program provides financial assistance to the caregiver to attend a conference or event. Awards are up to $500.
ABC Medical offers Scholarships
College Scholarships and Financial Aid for Students with Disabilities
Free Membership to NORD for undergrad, graduate and medical students
Next Step – Program for youth living with a rare genetic disease
Kids As Self Advocates – Teens and young adults with disabilities advocating for themselves
The Shire ACES Scholarship Program
Our generous donors help us fund promising Ataxia research and offer support services to people with Ataxia. Your gift today will help us continue to deliver on our mission to improve the lives of persons affected by Ataxia.
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